» Supply Lists
Supply Lists
- pens (black/blue) must bring at least 2 each day (buy at least 20 at the beginning of each marking period (6 times a year))
- three 1-2" 3-ring binder with 5 dividers each
- three spiral or bound notebooks
- graphing calculator, (TI-83) recommended
- loose leaf paper (buy at least one ream per marking period)
- one ream of 3-hole graph paper
- We will provide a weekly academic planner
- pencils (at least 20 per marking period)
- one manual plastic pencil sharpener
- highlighters (at least 2 per marking period)
- pen/pencil case
- one combination lock
- clear protractor and compass
- clear ruler
- one 3-hole puncher to keep at home
- five 2-pocket folders
- five packs of Post-its